Saturday, August 30, 2008

I'm not burning my bra... yet.

Clearly, it goes without saying that Sarah Palin's pro-life, gun-loving, Creationism-teaching, trigger-happy drill finger, anti-gay marriage, Bible-thumpingisms have the potential to make this country quite inhospitable for everyone, save the pro-life, gun-toting, Creationism-believing, SUV driving, homophobic, bigoted Bible-thumpers.

It terrifies me what this nomination does for women, because it screams that women are too dumb to care about foreign policy or their own rights, and only care about the person in office lending them a tampon should the need arise. Women want a White House slumber party, and who better to braid your hair than a former beauty queen. McCain sees that women want women to lead, so he indiscriminately grabs a woman, any woman, to stick on the ticket. He pulls his car up to a corner, rolls down his window, sticks his head out, and to the attractive, young Republican who just so happens to be a governor, says, "Hey baby, how much for a campaign? For a whole term in office?"

Just no kissing on the mouth.

She conflicts me. She is a person who politically, I object to every single thing she stands for, whose political stances are not only opposite mine, but personally offensive and attacking, and yet I am torn up inside when I hear a pundit say,

"But what about her children? What kind of message does it send that she has five children and is willing to be away from them on the campaign. Will people question her parenting skills?"

The men are ushering us back into the kitchen again, thanking us for our efforts in the war, but letting us know that it's baby making time, and dammit, dinner better be on the table at 5pm, and don't even think about feigning a headache later.

And then, as a woman, I side with Sarah Palin. Because how dare someone tell this pro-life, gun-toting, Creationism-teaching, trigger-happy drill finger, anti-gay marriage, Bible-thumper that she can't be Vice President of the United States of American because
she has children. We are back to a point where we have to choose between career and family?

And then I realized that I have "we-ed" Sarah Palin.

I, a pro-choice, anti-gun, acknowledger of evolution, anti-drilling, pro-gay marriage, defender of the separation of church and state, for one moment have gone and stood next to Sarah Palin on the front lines of women's lib. Just for one little moment.

I have been waiting to elect Barack Obama for president of this country for four years. And the dreamy notion of someone like him for eight. A passing moment of sisterhood with Miss Lumberjack 1981 isn't going to change that. I know where my loyalties lie.

But other women don't.

Which is why Sarah Palin's nomination makes me want to hide under the covers at night and flee to another country.

So perhaps this is appropriate timing afterall.


Friday, August 29, 2008

He's got the whole White House press corps asking each other how to spell erudite!

This is an auspicious occasion indeed. Not only did Barack Obama just deliver one of the defining political speeches of my lifetime, but on a a far more personal level, I just officially used my new University of Glasgow email address to join the University of Glasgow Facebook network.

And lest it seem as if I'm being completely facetious in my excitement over the big Facebook switch, I actually truly am excited about it. Changing one's Facebook network, oh so big a deal.

As was accessing my Glasgow email for the first time, and already finding it full. It's a preview of my new life that starts in two weeks. Signups for conferences, calls for papers, special events, gym memberships. It makes it all seem a bit more concrete. I have an email It's not just an acceptance letter. It's digital, baby!

But it would be irresponsible of me not to properly mention Obama, or how the promise of him as president almost makes me not want to live in another country. At least not the entire time he'd be in office. It was one hell of a speech, from one hell of a speaker.

It would further be irresponsible of me not to properly mention how Michelle Obama rocked it again. Fantastic dress. And the flats! M.O. as first lady could encite a footwear revolution in which women are firmly on the ground. Not that I don't love wearing heels; the pain is worth it for the height and the walk. But oh, to live in a country where my children were guaranteed healthcare, where American jobs weren't shipped overseas, and the feet of American women give up their addiction to foreign footwear... it's an America I want to be a part of.

And finally, it would be really irresponsible of me not to properly mention some of the eerie similarities between Obama's speech tonight and Andrew Shepherd's speech when he called out Bob Rumson. Just sayin'.


Wednesday, August 27, 2008

T-minus fifteen...

I have fifteen days remaining Stateside. This fact suddenly dawned on me yesterday when starting vacantly at my Outlook calendar at work. And when I realized how few days I have left until I leave, it also dawned on me that perhaps I somehow fell into a time warp that jumped me through a large part of the summer, because I swear the last time I looked at the countdown (and I'm quite obsessive about countdowns) it was well in the 40s. And now it's in the teens.

I am also realizing that perhaps it's time I starting taking this whole Moving to Another Country/Continent thing a bit more seriously!

For all the lists I've been compiling all summer long (To Pack, To Do, To Put in Checked Luggage, To Put in Carry-on Luggage, To Ship, To Leave Behind), I haven't actually been ticking many of these things off the list. I've done the big stuff (visa, student loans, new computer), but all the little, nagging things are most likely going to send me in a tailspin right before I leave. Which is maybe a good thing. If I'm in a tailspin, maybe I won't cry at the airport.

The excitement of leaving is there. As is the anticipation of living in Glasgow and the nerves of starting this program (programme?). But the realization that I'm moving to another country in fifteen days (not going on vacation, not job hunting, but m-o-v-i-n-g) is suddenly a very heavy thought. There's the chance that this summer I have treated my leaving as if I were moving to Pittsburgh or Boston or somewhere else with the same monetary system, same television shows, and same beer.


Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The annoying beep interrupting your blogroll is me.

This is a test of the Genevieve Blogcast System.

The post you read is just a test.

Had this been an actual blog post, the subject heading you just read would be followed by updates and correspondence from Scotland, as that is her intended method of communication from across the pond, and would have contained news, lists, commentary, and photos.

But since she is still Stateside for another 16 days, this was just a test.

This now concludes the test of the Genevieve Blogcast System.