Friday, May 29, 2009

The numbers game.

The reading for the Glasgow Women's Library went really well! There were a lot (a lot!) of people in attendance, to the point where they ran out of seating and were scrambling around trying to get extra chairs for everyone who'd shown up. I was very lucky to be reading second, after the very talented Chiew-Siah Tei, which meant that I was able to relax and enjoy the rest of the writers (including Kokumo Rocks, a Scottish performance poet who was amazing). It was a really great evening, and nice to be part of such a warm'n'fuzzy writing community here in Glasgow.

No rotten fruit was thrown at me! I survived the performance!

Right now, the weather is spectacular, and I think I'm going to head up to the gym for a bit, before settling into writing for the day. My goal is 10,000 words by the time my plane pushes from the gate next Saturday morning to head down to Heathrow. It's a doable goal if I buckle down.

It's also a goal that might be more attainable if I disconnect the internet (damn you, Twitter, Facebook, ONTD, etc). But then I tell myself that no, I need to do "research." Somehow though, my research ends up straying from the intended Latin American revolutions to things like "Get Zoe Saldana's Red-Carpet Style In Three Easy Steps!" I don't think eyeliner and creme foundation is quite what the subcommandante had in mind...


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